Our declaration of consent (in Danish: Samtykkeerklæring) is an extension of our privacy policy statement which discloses how we handle user and customer data. We have written this statement in English to make it as accessible as possible to users of different languages.
1. Introductory information
Data submitted through this form is processed by the website, which is owned and administered by Doyo Group (“Kinbo”). Kinbo is responsible for processing of the data, which means that Kinbo is responsible for ensuring that your personal data is processed in accordance with relevant legislation pertaining to protection of personal data. The data is used by to register you in our customer register for the project(s) you have expressed an interest for, and upon first time registration, a user profile is also created. For more information about our processing of personal data, see our privacy policy.
2. Declaration of consent to receive information, marketing material and customer surveys
Kinbo wants to send you information, marketing material and customer surveys based on the project(s) you have expressed an interest in. To do so, we need some information about you, including your name, email and phone number. It is voluntary to receive information, marketing material and customer surveys from Kinbo. If you no longer wish to receive such inquiries, you can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting our Data Protection Manager by email:
Through this declaration of consent, you accept to be contacted and kept updated by phone and email based on the project(s) you towards Kinbo have expressed an interest in.
3. Declaration of consent that personal data is shared with third parties
Kinbo wishes to share your personal data with third parties, such as a real estate agent for further follow-up related to the project you have expressed an interest in. In order for third parties to provide you with further follow-up, we need to share information about you, including name, e-mail and telephone number.
It is voluntary to consent to your personal data being shared with third parties. If you no longer want Kinbo to share your data with third parties, you can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting our Data Protection Manager by e-mail:
Through this declaration of consent, you accept that your personal data may be transferred to third parties such as real estate agents for further follow-up related to the projects you have expressed an interest in.